" No one has done a better job of chronicling what it is like to be gay in America." – U.S. Representative Barney Frank

Please find here, and help yourself to, the many resources I’ve created on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer issues since 1974.

Unless indicated, it’s all free, and may be reproduced. It’s my hope that you’ll share these books, DVDs, exhibitions, interviews, presentations, and other materials widely. Translate them into another language if you’d like. The only stipulations are that you cite the source, and not sell the resources. They are all copyrighted.

I’ve had an extraordinary, completely unintended, but most satisfying, joyful life as an educator on LGBTQ issues. From the moment I drank the turpentine, and had my stomach pumped, I promised myself, as I cried on the gurney in the emergency room, that I would never again live my life based on other people’s images or expectations of me. I grew up wanting to be a saint, and came to realize that a saint is that thing in the world that the light shines through. So, I came out, got fired, and started writing and speaking, always at the invitation of others.

None of what I accomplished in my life would have been possible without Ray Struble, my boyfriend, lover, best friend, and spouse since 1976. He gave me all of the emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial support I needed to initially write and speak for free. So, all of these resources are a gift from Ray also.

There are others to thank too, such as the folks at public television station, KBDI, in Denver, who said “yes” to having their three programs made available. The LGBT Employee Resource Group at AT&T, named LEAGUE, helped me make the DVD, Gay Issues in the Workplace. My friend, Ron Robin, is responsible for the first DVD, On Being Gay, and Dan Brown distributed my resources for years. None of us do what we do alone.

Brian McNaught